TOBIAS: cat ( can't use), Red-Tailed Hawk ( Now permanent form), Hork-Bajir, Tobias/Human, raccoon, fly, horse, dolphin, shark, mole, bat, mosquito, Deinoychus (can't use), seagull, elephant, rabbit, anteater, seal, Polar Bear, seal, squid, chimpanzee, bull, eel, goat, Ax Total= 26
That picture to the right looks too much like a PokeballBadges
Those with an "S" next to it, are in Pokemon Snap)
000- Missingno 1- Bulbasaur S 2- Ivysaur 3- Venusaur 4- Charmander S 5- Charmeleon S 6- Charizard S 7- Squirtle S 8- Wartortle 9- Blastoise 10- Caterpie 11- Metapod S 12- Butterfree S 13- Weedle 14- Kakuna S 15- Beedrill 16- Pidgey S 17- Pidgeotto 18- Pidgeot 19- Ratatta 20- Raticate 21- Spearow 22- Fearow 23- Ekans 24- Arbok 25- Pikachu S 26- Raichu 27- Sandshrew S 28- Sandslash S 29- Nidoran Female 30- Nidorina 31- Nidoqueen 32- Nidoran Male 33- Nidorino 34- Nidoking 35- Clefairy 36- Clefable 37- Vulpix S 38- Ninetales 39- Jigglypuff S 40- Wigglytuff 41- Zubat S 42- Golbat 43- Oddish 44- Gloom 45- Vileplume S 46- Paras 47- Parasect 48- Venonat 49- Venomoth 50- Diglett S 51- Dugtrio S 52- Meowth S 53- Persian 54- Psyduck S 55- Golduck 56- Mankey S 57- Primeape 58- Growlithe S 59- Arcanine S 60- Poliwag S 61- Poliwhirl 62- Poliwrath 63- Abra 64- Kadabra 65- Alakazam 66- Machop 67- Machoke 68- Machamp 69- Bellsprout 70- Weepinbell S 71- Victreebell S 72- Tentacool 73- Tentacruel 74- Geodude S 75- Graveler S 76- Golem 77- Ponyta 78- Rapidash S 79- Slowpoke S 80- Slowbro S 81- Magnemite S 82- Magneton S 83- Farfetch'd 84- Doduo S 85- Dodrio 86- Seel 87- Dewgong 88- Grimer S 89- Muk S 90- Shellder S 91- Cloyster S 92- Ghastly 93- Haunter S 94- Gengar 95- Onix 96- Drowzee 97- Hypno 98- Krabby 99- Kingler 100- Voltorb 101- Electrode S 102- Exeggcute 103- Exeggutor 104- Cubone 106- Marowak 106- Hitmonlee 107- Hitmonchan 108- Lickitung 109- Koffing S 110- Wheezing 111- Rhyhorn 112- Rhydon 113- Chansey S 114- Tangela 115- Kangaskhan S 116- Horsea 117- Seadra 118- Goldeen S 119- Seaking 120- Staryu S 121- Starmie S 122- Mr.Mime 123- Syther S 124- Jynx S 125- Electabuzz S 126- Magmar S 127- Pinsir 128- Tauros 129- Magikarp S 130- Gyrados S 131- Lapras S 131- Ditto S 133- Evee S 134- Vaporeon 135- Jolteon 136- Flareon 137- Porygon S 138- Omanyte 139- Omastar 140- Kabuto 141- Kabutops 142- Aerodactyl 143- Snorelax S 144- Articuno S 145- Zapdos S 146- Moltres S 147- Dratini S 148- Dragonair 149- Dragonite S 150- Mewtwo 151- Mew S 152- Chicolita- a grass PKMN starter 155- Hinoarashi- a fire PKMN starter 158- Waninoko- a water PKMN starter ???- Otachi- rabbit/raccoon hybrid ???- Nuoh- It looks like a Ditto's transformation problem. ???- Odoshishi- a deer-like PKMN. It's horns form eyes! It freaks me out!! ???- Togepi (You've all seen him/her/it) ???- Houou ( The bird Ash saw in the first episode of PKMN) ???- Kireihana ( part flower, part god-knows what) ???- Pikablu(Marill)(A roly-poly blue Pikachu) ???- Donfuyan (an elephant-like PKMN) ???- Slowking (Evolves from Slowbro) ???- Denryu (A yellow giraffe-like thingamabobber)
???- Bruno(Snubble)( a Pink dog) ???- Yamikarasu (a crow) ???- Elekid (has a plug for a head) ???- Hoo-Hoo (an owl-ish PKMN) ???- Lugia (The 4th Mystical bird!) ???- Rediba (A ladybug PKMN) ???- Itomaru (a yellow bug wit a :( face on it's butt)
Pokemon Yellow- 10/26/99 The same Pokemon as Red/Blue but more like the cartoon. Pokemon Stadium 2 ( 1 in US)- 3/2000 A perfect 3D Pokemon Battler. Pokemon Gold/Silver- UNKNOWN All new Pokemon, all new storyline. Mewtwo Strikes Back( The story of Mewtwo) &Pikachu's Summer Vacation (Ash's, Brocks, and Misty's Pokemon visit a Paradise Island for Pokemon)- 11/12/99
Here's my site mascot, Alakazam!
Meet Jay! Birthday: 5/22/99 Skills: Psychic, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Recover Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Weezing! Level: 100 Skills: Poison Gas, Smog, Smokescreen, Self Destruct Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Growly! Level: 30 Skills: Roar, Take Down, Ember, Agility Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Victreebel! Level: 100 Skills: Wrap, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Tackle Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet my Onix!
Meet Onix! Birthday: 5/22/99 Skills: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rage Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet my Missingno! Meet Missingno! Birthday: 1/1/00 Skills: Water Gun, Water Gun, Sky Attack, Wing Attack Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Charmander was adopted for: Adam Cipoletti! Meet Adam! Birthday: 2/10/99 Skills: Rage, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Slash Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Zapdos was adopted for: Kenny Wilhelm! Meet Kenny! Birthday: 5/10/99 Skills: Thunder, Drill Peck, Thundershock, Agility Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Pikachu was adopted for Anthony DeFranco! Meet Anthony! Birthday: 10/10/99 Skills: Thundershock, Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Mew was adopted for Melissa Crockett! Meet Melissa! Birthday: 7/3/99 Skills: Psychic, Metronome, Transform, Fly Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Ninetales was adopted for Robert Cohen!
Meet Lifesgud! Birthday: 5/25/99 Skills: Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Roar, Ember Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Chansey was adopted for:Dr.Z.Maxine Christian! Meet Maxine! Level: 100 Skills: Pound, Doubleslap, Minimize, Sing Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Moltres! Level: 100 Skills: Fire Spin, Peck, Sky Attack, Agility Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Houou! Level: 100 Skills: Drill Peck, Fire Spin, Thunder, Blizzard Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Porygon was adopted for: David Crockett! Meet David! Level: 100 Skills: Tackle, Psybeam, Harden, Agility Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Donfuyan was adopted for Rita & Peter Colton! Meet RiPete! Level: 100 Skills: Pound, Rock Slide, Fissure, Earthquake Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Articuno! Level: 100 Skills: Peck, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Agility Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Flareon!
Meet Flareon! Level: 100 Skills: Flamethrower, Rage, Fire Spin, Hyper Beam Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
Meet Mewtwo!
Meet Mewtwo! Level: 100 Skills: Recover, Psychic, Swift, Disable Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Pidgey was adopted for: Crsblade!
Meet Max! Level: 32 Skills: Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Fly Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Ponyta was adopted for EastBBStar!
Meet Crystal! Level: 100 Skills: Flamethrower, Stomp, Ember, Fire Spin Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Squirtle was adopted for Allie0fRW!
Meet Gerie! Level: 15 Skills: Water Gun, Bubble, Tail Whip, Tackle Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Raichu was adopted for: AniCassy!
Meet TJ! Level: 100 Skills: Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thundershock, Swift Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Meowth was adopted for my AOL Sister: AniCassy!
Meet Jade! Level: 27 Skills: Screech, Pay Day, Bite, Growl Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Pikablu was also adopted for my AOL Sis!
Meet Chesly! Level: 100 Skills: Aurora Beam, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Surf Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Pokemon was adopted for my AOL sis!
Meet Jigglypuff! Level: 100 Skills: Body Slam, Pound, Disable, Rest Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Psyduck was adopted for: Allie0fRW!
Meet Zaira! Level: 32 Skills: Scratch, Disable, Tail Whip, Surf Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Golduck was adopted for: Allie0fRW!
Meet ZeeZee! Level: 100 Skills: Hydro Pump, Fury Swipes, Confusion, Surf Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
This Persian was adopted for: Misto9983!
Meet Mistoffelees! Level: 100 Skills: Slash, Fury Swipes, Screech, Pay Day Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection |
His name is Scientist Bladex-Catana-Dostovae
His name is Jara Halpak
His name is Sreeyaw2
His name is Cohess 234